Create a Life Full of Health & Happiness With Your Dog - Backed By Lifetime Support
We’ve helped over 4000 dog owners across Sydney & around the world overcome unwanted behaviours and set solid foundations for the rest of their lives together with our Complete Care Program
Sydney dog trainer Ian Shivers
For Dog Owners Looking To Commit To Creating Effective Change In Their Dogs Life
What others are saying…
Book a Free Discovery Session & Take The First Step To Changing You & Your Dogs Lives For The Better
For Dog Owners Looking Their Dog To Live Their Best Life
(And want solutions that actually last and set solid foundations for the future)
The Complete Care Program is for Sydney dog owners looking for 1:1 help with….
Aggression & Reactivity
Puppy Training
Fear & Anxiety
Rescue Dogs
Issues in the Home
Children & Dogs
Resource Guarding
Leash Walking
Off Leash Recall
What’s Unique About Us?
We are not trying to help you create obedient dogs.
We help you create a great life with your dog, founded in your relationship with them, emotional & behavioural health and meeting the needs of both ends of the leash
A healthy dog is a happy dog and a happy dog is great to live with!
Having a dog in your life can be one of the best things that happens to you and we know that you just want your dog to live their best life and for you to be able to too!
We also know that when things go sideways it can be an absolute nightmare!
Things like not being able to have guests over, not being able to relax in your own home or not being able to enjoy taking them for a walk can suck the joy out of having a dog.
The reality is that if you’re seeing your dog barking excessively, destroying things they shouldn’t, unable to settle and relax or showing signs of stress, aggression, anxiety and reactivity, then they’re likely to be having a hard time too.
Unfortunately, we see people and their dogs in these situations every single day. But the good news is…
You and you dog CAN live happy and healthy lives together
We understand that the way that you live with your dog is going to be different to the next persons and your dog is going to have different needs and preferences to other dogs too.
Whether you are at the beginning of your journey with your dog or have gone down a path that you’re looking to straighten, when it comes to their behaviour it takes effort, commitment, knowledge, communication and patience.
You’re not alone and we have helped over 4000 people and their dogs since 2015 using our unique framework ‘The Five Pillars Of Emotional Stability’ that underpins everything we teach and we’re here to help you too.
What Will You Get From Working With Us?
Our goal is to help you and as many other people and their dogs live happy and healthy lives together.
We see people genuinely trying to get it right with their dogs and yet still struggling with their dogs every day.
This is because the world we live in with our dogs has changed and the way we integrate our dogs into our lives has changed. It has changed more in the past 20 years than it did the previous 200!
But the information that was taught for the old, outdated way of living with our dogs is still mainstream and is often making things worse for us and our dogs.
We see people trying the same things over and over again…
✘ People trying to be PACK LEADERS and ALPHA role their dogs instead of demonstrating healthy leadership and setting their dogs up to succeed
✘ An over reliance on PHYSICAL EXERCISE instead of understanding their dogs actual overarching enrichment needs
✘ Over emphasis on the importance of old school OBEDIENCE for the sake of obedience instead of focussing on a healthy relationships and communication
The results are always the same…
✘ We see dogs not learning to respect their owners but instead fear and lose trust in them. We see owners put their dogs in situations without preparing them for appropriately or advocating for them, then the dogs behaviour and wellbeing ultimately deteriorate.
✘ We see dogs nervous systems running on adrenal fatigue and stress. This causes an increase in fear, stress, anxiety and frustration in our dogs. These emotions are the underlying causes for the unwanted behaviours our dogs demonstrate.
✘ We see the relationships between people and their dogs break down because their dog ‘just won’t listen’, but when we zoom out we can clearly see that neither party is being heard and both are just miscommunicating.
The unique framework, ‘The Five Pillars of Emotional Stability’ helps you…
Understand what is most relevant to you and your dog so that you can proactively create the life you want to live with your dog and know how to get to the root of unwanted behaviours so that you’re seeing results that last because you’ve come at it with a deep understanding rather than simply putting a band aid on the symptom.
The Five Pillars of Emotional Stability are…
We’ll not only teach you how to train your dog but we’ll teach you how to understand your dog and incorporate training into your every day life.
We’ll teach you how to implement what you need to feel confident in what your ability and understanding to create an amazing life for you and your dog.
When we know what our own goals are and meet our dogs needs then the entire family can live their best life.
When we do this the outcomes are always the same…
✔ We see fewer unwanted behaviours in the first place
✔ We see your ability to communicate with your dog become easy and effective
✔ We see your ability to make great decisions for your dog so that you can proactively keep them happy, healthy and out of trouble improve
✔ The relationship between you and your dog is enjoyable, full of love and ultimately healthy
✔ We see you and your dog truly enjoying life together, however that may look for your unique dynamic
Don’t Miss Out - We Only Take On A Maximum of 3 New Clients Each Month Into Our Complete Care Program
What Does The Complete Care Program Involve?
✔ 1 X 2 Hour Initial Consultation - We come out to you, assess everything and give you the first steps of the plan
✔ 7 X 45 Minute Follow Up Sessions - Ideally used every 1-3 weeks until they’re finished - We come back out and build on what we’ve started. This Will take us up to the roughly the 3 - 5 Month mark of ongoing 1:1 training support.
✔ 2 X More 45 Minute Follow Up Sessions - To be used quarterly to ensure you are maintaining consistency
✔ 10 X Complimentary Social Saturday Classes - These sessions are small groups (up to 4 dogs per class) that fine tune handling skills, give practical skills that you can take into the real world and create a safe environment in which your dog can grow in social skills and learn manners with both people and dogs.
(That’s a total of 20 sessions all up)
✔ Training Equipment, Including:
✔ Leash & Harness - We’ll match the perfect harness for your dog
✔ Treat Pouch - An essential part of the training set up
✔ Training Treats - What’s the point in having a pouch if you’ve got nothing to fill it with
✔ A Long Training Leash - Give your dog the freedom of movement while still maintaining safety and control
✔ Toys & Enrichment
✔ Lickimat so we can help our dogs practice independence and decompression
✔ Toys so we can build bonds and meet our dogs needs through play
✔ Chews & Treats for your dog to chew & enjoy while practicing good habits
✔ Lifetime Membership Access to the ‘TRAINING REWARDS CLUB’ - Includes…
✔ Access to Your Private Support Channel - You will always have a dog trainer in your corner to ask questions, get feedback and celebrate your wins with your support channel - this channel is your portal to ask questions, send videos to review and to keep me updated after and in between your sessions to ensure you get the support you need
✔ Access to & Discounts On Ongoing Services Including Further Follow Up Sessions, Socialisation Classes & More
✔ Your Training Plan - A summary, audio recordings & video recordings of your sessions as well as any educational resources that are appropriate to send you
✔ Ongoing Goal Setting & Accountability Coaching
✔ Access to The Online Learning Platform - Packed full with educational online resources including the ‘Five Pillars of Emotional Stability’ webinar series
✔ Discounts on training leashes & enrichment in the Bondi Behaviourist store
✔ Discounts on some of the best online stores for their training equipment and enrichment
✔ Discounts on treats & foods
✔ Discounts on enrichment items & chews
✔ And Much More…
What happens if you’re not satisfied after the training is complete? If after the training program is complete and you are not satisfied, Ian will continually work with you 1:1 for free until you are. Terms and Conditions apply.
You and your dog get the best and most comprehensive education and support available in Sydney.
We will dive deep into finding out what makes your dog tick!
Frequently Asked Questions
The training rewards club is the membship backbone and support for our clients.
Combining 1:1 training support, community, webinars, courses and online resources to ensure you and your dog achieve your goals.
You also get discounts to training sessions, food, training accessories and equipment, insurance, pet photography and much more!
You will get lifetime access with the Complete Care Program
You won’t just get a ‘well trained’ dog when you work with us, you will learn how to create behavioural, mental, emotional and physical health. When we do this, desirable behaviour comes along for the ride.
We’re going to teach you not only how to train your dog but how to incorporate meeting your dogs enrichment needs as well as your own into your lifestyle.
We’re going to help you know your dog and WHY they do the behaviours they' do so that you have the knowledge to take with you. Giving you the keys to staying on top of their training, behaviour and wellbeing.
Puppies, rescues and dogs of all ages across Sydney and Online.
Anyone that has just got their dog and is looking to create solid foundations for the future.
Anyone that is trying to address serious and/or long standing unwanted behaviours.
If you know you need to change things in your dogs life and need help doing it, this program is for you.
Those looking to ‘quick fix’ their dog rather than create a happy and healthy life together may not be the best fit.
We will get to the bottom of why your dog’s behaviour is the way it is and this may not move in a perfect, linear fashion as is the reality with living with and the training of a living thing in the real world.
If you’re looking for a quick fix, even if it may be detrimental to you and your dogs lives long term, then we may not be most suitable trainers for you.
The Five Pillars of Emotional Health underpin everything we teach people and their dogs.
Sleep, Rest & Recovery
Healthy Diet & Eating Patterns
Healthy Exercise
Communication, Management & Relationship
When we get these five elements of our dogs lives right then everything falls into place.
Across most of Sydney. We travel as far north as Hornsby, south as the Shire, the Hills and west as Parramatta. And of we cover course Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs and central areas.
We also offer online Zoom consultations
We charge the same amount no matter how many dogs are in your life/household.
Yes absolutely.
You have lifetime access to your very own private support channel - a direct line to Ian for advice and support.
You can also organise as many follow up sessions and extra services as you wish at discounted rates we’re going to be here every step of the way with you.As well as many other perks, members get exclusive discounts on Bondi Behaviourist services and other training equipment, accessories, foods, insurance, pet photography and more.
Yes payment plan options are available.

How We Get Results (That Last)
We set solid foundations
We emphasise behavioural health with a focus on meeting the dogs fundamental needs. Once these are met we have a dog that is in the best fram of mind for learning.
Address the actual issue not the symptom
Getting to the bottom of what is actually causing issues and resolving it there is the key to long lasting results and supporting both the dog and the person.
We know it’s about relationships
Communication between people and their dogs is about relationships and healthy relationships are based on trust, clarity, kindness and feeling safe in each others company
Ready to get started?
I help dog owners create wonderful lives with their dogs expertly with understanding, care and communication. Your dogs behavioural health becomes my priority.
Hey, I’m Ian
Internationally recognised expert
Supported over 4000 people and their dogs
Mentor to the other professionals